Honeycomb Texture Filled with Juicy Honey and Pollen
This hexagonal structure is a honeycomb. All prismatic wax cells are filled with orange honey and yellowish pollen.

Since honeycomb is an organic material, a subsurface scattering map is also provided.
Cigarette Butts Texture on Ashy Floor
The texture contains numerous cigarette butts on ashy floor.

It can be used to texture content of ashtrays or to simulate cigarette butts scattering on the floor.

The ashy floor can turn into transparent background by using SBSAR file.
Vintage Glass Texture with Classic Window Patterns
This texture has a very typical window patterns which can be found in a lot of old houses, so it is very suitable to be used as a vintage glass texture.

By applying the texture, the glass can immediately has 70s style.

It is semi-transparent texture.
Rain Droplet Texture
They are rain droplets. This texture can be applied to a plane. the droplet will become rain drops on a glass window. It can also be applied to multiple planes to create raining effect.

This texture should be used with the opacity mask because water drops are transparent.
Green Concrete Peeling Wall Texture with Peeled Paint
It is a concrete wall painted in green, but it has a lot of cracks and most of the paint is peeling off.

The peeled off area shows the light brown concrete wall which is rather bumpy and has a lot of pores.

Scratches can also be found on both the paint and the concrete wall.
Bloody Organ, Intestine or Flesh Texture
This highly folded red and bloody texture looks like intestines, organs or flesh.

Veins and reddish spots can be found on the surface.

It is a remarkable material for texturing monsters and aliens.
Office Ceiling Tiles
They are drop ceiling tiles in most of the offices. This mineral fiber ceiling is the most widely adopted type.It has a lot of pores on the surface.

Ceiling tiles are usually mounted on a suspended aluminum frame. Since aluminum is a soft metal. The frame can easily be deformed.

Edge wear also happens on the metal frame.
Metal Plate Covered by Scratched Paint Texture
It is a metal plate painted in blue, but there are tons of scratches on the paint coating revealing the shiny iron metal underneath the pigment.

There are big and small scratches. Some of the paint is peeled off.
Bubble Wrap Texture for Packaging
It is the most commonly used bubble wrap for packaging goods and products. Each bubble has different degrees of damage and wrinkles.

Opacity map is also provided with the texture because bubble wrap is semi-transparent.

In order to achieve good rendering result, glass shader should also be used.

Metal map can also imitate the excellent result by mixing the opacity and metallic maps for some shaders, so a metallic map is also available, but optional.
Classical Rooftop Tile Texture
Among all rooftop tiles, this one must be the most typical. In both eastern and western countries, people also use this tiles for roofing.

Some tiles are broken and dirt can be found on them.
Fish Scale Roof Tile Texture
The classical fish scale roof tiles make up this weary rooftop texture. It is a worn-out rooftop with a lot of dirt, scratches and mosses.

The surface is rather bumpy and holey due to aging.
Broken Glass Texture with Cracks
It is a broken glass with a lot of cracks running from the center. This kind of glass breaking pattern can be made by a sharp hit such as a bullet shot.

There are both circular cracks and radical cracks spreading out from the central point of fracture.

Since it is a transparent texture, an alpha map is also available.
Mixture of Snow and Ice Texture
This texture is between snow and ice. When someone steps on snow, the snow might melt. The snow gets the glossy and shiny ice characteristic after it has been re-frozen.