Entirely Worn Leather Texture
It is a piece of totally worn leather.

The superficial is completely ripped off, so the underneath vein or root like texture is exposed. The inner texture is like a network spreading across the whole surface.
Knitting Wool Texture
It is a blue and white knitting wool. Each thread has fiber and fur details.

It is a fantastic texture for sweaters and similar outfits.
Red and White Checker Cloth Texture
The red and white checkers are classical patterns used in textile industry. A lot of clothes, dresses, table cloths have this traditional checker pattern. If you go to the kitchen, you may find a kitchen cloth having this pattern.

If the texture is enlarged enough, thread texture can be seen.
Brown and Reddish Leather Texture
It is a brown and reddish leather with prominent flakes as the texture. Wrinkles and scratches also appear on this leather texture.

This material can be applied to clothes, skirts, sofa, old book covers etc.
Wrinkled Cloth Texture
This is a wrinkled cloth with a bit of dirt on it. Texture of threads can be found on the surface.

It is a fantastic material for white dresses, pillow case etc.
Scottish Checkered Pattern Fabric Texture
This fabric demonstrates the classic Scottish checkered patterns in the traditional red and white colors.

Similar patterns can be found on table cloths of some restaurants. The patterns are printed on many picnic blankets too.
Carpet Fabric Texture with Classic Pattern
The pattern of this fabric makes it look like a carpet. Certainly, it can also be used as a scarf texture.

The mixture of yellow and red patterns can be found on many traditional ornaments in Tibet, China.
Camouflage Pattern Vinyl Fabric
A fabric with green and brown camouflage patterns.

It is suitable for war game or army uniforms.